Heard and read several bad talks and comments about me. They say I’m a freak, a weirdo, a faggot, et cetera. Just because I’m dress a little bit different. Just because I eat lollipops. Seriously? They hate me for those ridiculous reasons? I never interfere with their life, but why they keep minding my business? At the end I realized. That’s life. There will always be pros and cons. We just couldn’t make everyone love everything we do.
To whoever you guys are, go say or do whatsoever you’d like to do to me if it makes you feel better than me, it’s your right. But I also have right to live my life the way I want it to be. I won’t stop. I’m not scared if you hate me, because I believe there are people out there who will keep on supporting me and accept me the way I am. Anyway I still thank you guys, I take your acts as ‘an excessive attention’
u r unique and stylish , i rarely find a guy like you . it's ok to be called freak etc , people have different perspective about us . never let that harsh comment break u down 🙂 .
I love your unique style! it's inspiring!! don't ever listen to haters, they are just jealous of how amazing you are, boy! KEEP ON INSPIRING OKAY! 😉
ahahahahahaha, i had same experience, even until now. u dont have to be pissed off arnold, cos i know that you know that you are better than what ppl think of you, iya kan? 🙂
i mean, come on, look at u!! i drool over lots of ur stuffs! aku mau juga kazami yg itu tp yg dual tone ah 🙂
u have a great day arnolddddd
you are great and i strongly believe that you've got the talent. stay positive! 😉
I get those kind of comments also. It's unfortunate that they have to resort to those things as though we really give a care about what they say. Just keep doing what you're doing. You have more people who love the way you dress and accept you for who you are than you do haters.
I love your blog and your sense of style. Keep it up! 🙂
I also experienced it, even now. But we only need to do what we really like. It's our life and not them.
Lucca Yoga
They are just jealous of you, I also experienced it, even until now.
haters gonna haters. so… jalanin aja ~
in this world there must be someone who likes or hates you. So think of those who hate you as input or criticism to make you better. Honestly I also experienced it, but I keep moving forward and trying to be better. Just be your self !!!
btw I love ur Kazami blazer, so unique 🙂
i love your style!!
I love your blazer!!!!
i experienced too arnold, just ignored them arnold, they are totally jealous with you…
by the way i love your kazami blazer >.< and you look great as always
Go Arnold! keep spirit 🙂
but let me see, you are so young and you know exactly what you want and what you like, so do not let them make you down, because that is just word, and do not let them make you down, because you have something worth it to fight for, your dream, your future and if they stay that way, just imagine one day they will work for you
keep it real and smile'
screw haters arnold! i love your style and OMG where did you buy that blazer?
I choose "love you"…(^^)
Ignore the childish people who lead such a dull life that they have to talk about other people's lives. We love you!
waaaaa i really like this look!!! i love the jacket a lott!!! top to bottom so nice 😀 i just wish the pants would be well fitted though 😛 but hey its just me 😀 hihi
dont listen to all the haters! just do what makes you happy, thats all tha tmatters.
& i think its great that you show your true self through your style. theyre just jealous.
great look here, love how you've wrapped this jacket without a tee underneath!x
Love the outfit.
– http://xtheperfectmess.blogspot.com
It's great that you're staying strong. Those people don't know anything – just keep being who you are and stay true to yourself.
Loving your style! You look a lot like Bryanboy!
you look adorable! I'm in love with your shoes <3
Thank you all for the kind words, it means so much to me! 🙂 You guys are really my inspiration.
very cool look, you totally pull this off (and not many guys could!)
wow, you shouldn't think too much abt those nasty comments. I don't think you are a fag, I'd rather call you unique 🙂 It's very refreshing to see some guys who dare to wear stg different, incl you. And the blazer you wore is to dieeee for! friggin cool.
Oh boy. Haters are gonna hate. I find it truely sad that they direct their own insecurities towrads you, because most of them would DIE to have the confidence and style like yours.
I think you are so fab, and stylish as hell.
Love your look and blog, don't listen to what other people say – most of them are just jealous 🙂
Miri's Castle
Haters will always be haters and they are just jealous! You just continue to be fabulous like in these pictures.. Love it!
All the best, Angel
i seriously love the strong shoulder details. im so following you.
cool shoes!
Loveee your jacket! So cool.
xx Bonnie
you're just gonna end up in hedonism world yound man, hedonism life!
Love this outfit the trousers and the shoes are great!
Also, don't pay attention to those kinds of comments, those people are probabl jealous because they don't have the courage to be the person they truly want to be. You are better than them, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with you.
dont listen to all the haters!.. just do what you want to do..
i love your blazer arnold. and i think i want it 🙂
ive read your post, i remembered the day, back in 2009 when i first started to make a blog. some guys sent me some rude comments about my style my english etc. but one thing i learn, you dont have to hear them. its just an opinion. let it flow! its your style! if they dont like you, so they can easily close the tab and dont ever look at your blog again hhahaha
keep smiling arnold!
Shame to hear that people are not kind. Love your jacket btw!!
wooahhh i love how u wore the blazer with nothing underneath (please dont mistake me for being a perv..) i think it's really unique !
http://www.glisters and blisters.com
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You really have a great style! Each of your outfits is so unique and well put together. I admit I'm not very knowledgeable about men's fashion, though 🙂
lovely shoes
seriously I always love your outfit!
nice shoes, btw
i'd say they really have no life. mind their critics, just be who you want to be and shine! 🙂
yeah! nice style! and i love your Aldo shoes! 😀
You're beyond amazing.
Haters make you stronger!!! your style rocks and you're only 16. I adore you <3
hey 🙂 chill
dont think about what they said about you bro 😉
ignore them
well your style is really great
wow love ur blazer so nice