Forgive me for the lack of update. Busy weeks at school lately. Even on the weekends most of my time is spent on homework. Lucky me, I have a dear person who always happy to help me and accompany me, so it’s not that worst. Then we have a quick photoshoot. I thank God for having lovely person around me. They are my moodbooster that make my life easier & happier.
hello, you look great 🙂
btw, i love your hair cut, really!
Love ur outfit !!!! totally…
Ur denim jacket, ur Nikicio tee , and ur Seba shoes is so cool , love it 🙂
Btw.. thanks for ur comment in my blog, i really appreciate it.
you look so cute <3
love your denim jacket
really pretty pictures!you look stunning
love your camera and shoes 🙂
i quite like this outfit on you, you pull it off very well 🙂
That camera is so fun!! 😀 And I love the outfit 😀
Nice photos! Like your shoes!
wow, wonderful blog :)love your pics
plz check out my blog and see if you like it!
hugs from sweden
Hi,your look is so cool!Would u like to follow me?!
Arnold, you really looking good in this post, full of teenager spirit! i love the whole outfits, really great combination, really inspiring! 🙂 and i always like your photos..
by the way lo kaya artis korea disini haha 😛
this is fun! great style:))
cute camera and i like your shoes. lovely pics. thanks for following. following you too. 🙂
ur outfit is really cool!
love the combo!
great socks and shoes…
cool shirt!
i seriously want your lomo! is that a Holga camera? and im so new to your blog and i love all the shots you have. you are pretty fearless. im so following.
Awww i love your outfit! Expecially the shirt!, SEXY!! and your camera is super cool, great post 🙂
check me out!
Thanks for the follow!!! I'm following you back! Love your post by the way!
Great outfit!!!
I love your tee & camera!!
We follow??
A big hug!
nice camera, and wooow nice shoooess!!! love your style!
I'm following you sweet (:
keep in touch!
where do u buy seba shoes ?
i love those sheer sockss by the way !!
glisters and blisters
I like your top and the shoes. Guys are sooo much cooler. Thanks for sharing the photos and drop by me too, soon.
sweet and simple. Love those socks with those shoes
really love the outfit from head to toe!
and the 1st photo is so adorable!
The photos are really cool 😀
Laces on My Dress
First, thnk for your nice comment 🙂
The shoes are cool!
And i like your hair tehee
you look great!
are you an indonesian? 🙂
You look awesome! 🙂 Great blog btw 🙂
your outfit is so cool! you have a great blog xxx
great pictures!!
having family around is the best thing 🙂
love the denim shirt!
Love the camera!
ahmazing outfit!!
I love your blog! the photos are amazing seriously! <3
Im following
Arnold doll,
You look great in these pics. I am loving the socks and that shirt on you. My favorite is the one of you sitting in the front seat with the door open.
Hope all is well!
hey twinkie!
above all the pictures, i put more attention to the writings. it's cute to read about u and ur dearest one. as cute as picture number 1 ! ! ! 🙂
Loving the light colored layers here, and that camera is so fun!
Chic on the Cheap
Visiting to your blog 🙂
good pictures!xx
i love ur camera ^^ its nice to have ppl that can cheer u up ^^
how great pictures! 🙂 im following.
thanks so much for following . i love your style!!
ARNOLD! YOU ROCK! I love love love love super in love with everything.. :)) you look dazzling!
love your photos and your sheer socks are fabulous!!
You look quite cute! 🙂 Funky camera (toy?) too!
from ©
You look amazing!
Thanks for your sweet comment <3
Love the outfit! Great camera!
Cool blog. Nice photos.
Check out my
if you like it follow me, I follow back
You look so nice. We have almost the same hair cut 🙂
So cool! 🙂