I couldnt sleep last night and ended up made these collages and put some of songs I’ve been listening lately into a mixtape, representing my current mood
they're so amazing arnold! i hope i knew how to put things together so perfectly
how do you actually make a mixtape? i'm reading the perks and they always mention "mixtapes" i'm so interested!
Ahoj. Ráda bych tě pozvala na svůj blog zaměřený především na boj s poruchami příjmu potravy, ale najdeš tam i plno recenzí, receptů, zkrátka kus mého života. Pokud se ti bude můj blog opravdu moc líbit, můžeš se přidat k mým "Followers". Web má také své facebookové stránky. Přeji krásný zbytek dne :)/// Hello. I would like to invite you to my blog, aimed at combating eating disorders, but also you'll find a lot of reviews, recipes, simply a piece of my life. If you will be my blog really like it, you can add to my "Followers". Web also has its own facebook page. Have a great rest of the day :). Andie xoxoxo
they're so amazing arnold! i hope i knew how to put things together so perfectly
how do you actually make a mixtape? i'm reading the perks and they always mention "mixtapes" i'm so interested!
just perfect
beautiful art.. supergreat candywall.
you got so much talent.
Inspiring xx
Ahoj. Ráda bych tě pozvala na svůj blog zaměřený především na boj s poruchami příjmu potravy, ale najdeš tam i plno recenzí, receptů, zkrátka kus mého života. Pokud se ti bude můj blog opravdu moc líbit, můžeš se přidat k mým "Followers". Web má také své facebookové stránky. Přeji krásný zbytek dne :)/// Hello. I would like to invite you to my blog, aimed at combating eating disorders, but also you'll find a lot of reviews, recipes, simply a piece of my life. If you will be my blog really like it, you can add to my "Followers". Web also has its own facebook page. Have a great rest of the day :). Andie xoxoxo
awesome overall 🙂
Cool collages.
OMG! Loving this collages so much!
You are so creative! There are a lot of pictures that I like!
aaah i miss talking to youuu and looking at your cool pics arnoldboy ahahaha. can't stop hitting the replay button btw!
beautiful collages kakkkk! ada ugly dolls >,<
Letters To Juliet